Zbyněk Baladrán (1973 v Praze, Československo) je vizuální umělec, kurátor a architekt výstav. Věnuje se rozporům současného světa a možnostem, jak jim rozumět pomocí umění a umělecké praxe. Studoval dějiny umění na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy a nová média na pražské AVU. V roce 2001 spoluzaložil Display – Sdružení pro výzkum a kolektivní praxi, kde pracuje jako kurátor a organizátor. Podílel se jako kurátor na bienále Manifesta 8 v Murcii (2010) a Steirischer Herbst v Grazu (2012). V letech 2006-2010 pracoval na interdisplinárním projektu Monument transformace. Zúčastnil se výstav jako jsou Manifesta 5 v San Sebastian (2004), 11. bienále v Lyonu (2011), 56. La Biennale di Venezia (2013). Vystavoval na společných výstavách v MoMA New York, (2015), ve Württembergischer Kunstverein (2019) apod. Zastupuje ho galerie Jocelyn Wolff v Paříži, Gandy Gallery v Bratislavě, Hunt Kastner v Praze a družstevní sdružení Salvator Rosa.


Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
Hunt Kastner, Prague
Gandy Gallery, Bratislava
Salvator Rosa, Jinde



The Totalitarian Society of the Image
Written a Directed by Zbyněk Baladrán
UHD, 13:50, 2024
(sound; , english, french, german, czech subtitles)

The Commodity Catalogue
Written a Directed by Zbyněk Baladrán
UHD, 14:22, 2023
(sound; , english, french, german, czech subtitles)

The Signature of Certain Things
Written a Directed by Zbyněk Baladrán
UHD, 15:31, 2022
(sound; , english, french, german, czech subtitles)
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2022

Chvála dialektiky (in Praise of Dialectics)
Written a Directed by Zbyněk Baladrán
UHD, 6:17, 2021
(sound; basque, english, spanish, czech subtitles)
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2021

Sociálna vražda
Written a Directed by  Averklub Collective
full HDV, 6:47, 2021
(sound; slovak, english subtitles)
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2021

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Written a Directed by Zbyněk Baladrán
UHD, 10:00, 2019
(sound; english, czech subtitles)

Apparatus as a Goal of History
Written a Directed by Zbyněk Baladrán
full HDV and 4K, /one-channel video version/ 13:52, 2019
(sound; english or czech version)
66.International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, 2020

Written a Directed by Zbyněk Baladrán
full HDV and UHD, 6:00, 2019
(sound; english version / czech subtitles)
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2020
(won price for the best Czech Experimental Documentary Film 2020)
ARKIPEL, Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival, 2020

Powerless Source of All Power
Written a Directed by  Zbyněk Baladrán
full HDV, 8:04, 2018
(sound; english subtitles)
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2019

Omar’s Exam
Written a Directed by Tereza Stejskalová and Zbyněk Baladrán
full HDV, 4:49, 2016
(sound; czech/slovak version with english subtitles)

Closer to Each Other Than the Diplomats
Written a Directed by Tereza Stejskalová and Zbyněk Baladrán
full HDV, 4:22, 2016
(sound; czech/slovak version with english subtitles)

Written a Directed by Tereza Stejskalová and Zbyněk Baladrán
full HDV, 3:56, 2016
(sound; czech version with english subtitles)

To Be Framed
full HDV, BW, 8:28, 2016
(sound; dutch version with english subtitles)
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2016,
PAF—Festival of Film Animation and Contemporary Art, 2016,
Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival BIEFF, March 2017

Approximation of infinite sequences
full HDV, 6:29, 2015
(sound; english version)

Práce oka (Work of Eye)
along with Barbora Kleinhamplová
full HDV, 7:18, 2014
(sound; czech version with english subtitles)
13th Kamera Oko Ostrava, 2021

Adorno a Kovanda o materialismu
full HDV, 5:35, 2014
(sound; czech version)

Diderot’s Dream
full HDV in two parts, 13:28, 2014
(sound with english subtitles)

Dead Reckoning
multi-channel HD video installation
12’00“, 2014
(sound; english version)
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2014

along with Tomáš Svoboda
full HD video, 10’06’‘, 2014

Skrz sklo (Through glass)
full HD video, 10’06’‘, 2014
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

The microscope and telescope of time
two channel video installation, HDV, 11:00, 2013
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

Liberation, or …
digitized 16mm film on HDV, 11:42, 2013
(sound; english version)

Preliminary Report / Case Study
two channel video installation, hdv, 10:53, 2013
(sound; english with french subtitles)

All for no reason II.
full HDV, 04:50 min, 2012
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

Why would you live if you knew what was going to happen tomorrow?
with text and support by Ruti Sela, Babi Badalov, Hafiz and Xu Tan.
full HDV, duration: 06:48 min, 2012
(sound; german with english subtitles)

Zbyněk Baladrán along with Vít Havránek and Eva Jiřička
full HDV, 3:36, 2012
(sound; english)

Minus ten anarcho-communist minutes
full HDV, 06:22 min, 2012
(no sound)

Night of the world
full HDV, 01:54 min, 2011)
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

All for no reason I.
Full HDV, 04:06 min, 2011
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

Singularity (old)
DV, 06:50 min, 2011

Singularity (new)
Full HDV, 02:50 min, 2011
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

Full HDV, 04:11 min, 2011
(no sound; czech version)

Letter from nowhere
Full HDV, 04:53 min, 2011
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

40 000 000
Full Hdv, 7’23“, 2010
(sound; czech with english subtitles)
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2010

DV, 16’08“ 2010
(sound; czech version)

The Long-Ago Death of a Fly
(A Methodology for Writing I.)
full HDV, 3’16“ 2010
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

Assemblages against Essences
HDV, one – channel video installation, 5’28“, 2009
(no sound,)

Hranice autonomie
HDV, one – channel video installation, 11’30“, 2009
(sound, czech)

Models of the universe
DV, 2’46“, 2009
(sound, english with french subtitles)

DV, 5’02“, 2009
(sound, english)

DV, 1’50“, 2009
(sound, english)

Accidental archivist
along with Jiri Skala
DV, 6:53, 2009
(sound; english version)

full HDV, 10:12, 2008
(no sound; czech)

Building Archive
DV, 6:56, 2008
(sound; polish, english subtitles)

Teorie práce
HDV, 13’19“, 2007
(sound, czech version)
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, 2007

Theory of work
HDV, 15’47“, 2007
(sound, english version)

Okamžik (Moment)
DV, 4’15“, 2007
(sound, czech with english subtitles)

Pět potíží při psaní pravdy
DV, 20’36“, 2007
(sound, czech version)

Az igazság megirásának ot nehézsége
DV, 24’47“, 2007
(sound, hungarian version)

DV, 2’35“, 2007

DV, 3’07“, 2007
(english version)

Bez názvu
DV, 4’28“, 2007
(slovak version)

Tent / Pyramid / Container
three-channel video installation,
DV, 3’19’‘, 2’55’‘, 2’26’‘, 2006
(sound, english)

Modern Times
DV, 36’32“, 2006
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

157,74m2, ideal flat in KOLDOM
DV, 4’02“, 2006
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

Model of constructivist tower
DV, 4’18“, 2006
one-channel video installation

DV, 13’35“, 2006
(sound, czech version)

DV, 11’38“, 2006
(sound, dutch version)

digitized 16mm film on DV, 6’47’‘, 2005-2007
(sound, english)

DV, 7’24’‘, 2005
(no sound; english version)

DV, 18’08“, 2005
(sound; czech version)

Act of repeating
digitized 16mm film on DV, 4’15’‘, 2005

DV, 17’15’‘, 2005
(sound, czech version)

DV, 4’41’‘, 2005
(sound, czech version)

DV, 7’02’‘, 2005
(sound, english version)

digitized 16mm film on DV, 7’12’‘, 2005
(sound, czech)

digitized 16mm film on DV, 6’53’‘, 2005
(sound, english)

Pracovní postup
digitized 16mm film on DV, 9’30’‘, 2004
(sound, czech version)

Working process
digitized 16mm film on DV, 9’34’‘, 2004
(sound, english version)

Geometric progression
DV, 2’16’‘, 2004

Theory / Praxis / Exposition
three-channel video installation
digitized 16mm film on DV, 0’53’‘, 1’15’‘, 2’43’‘, 2004

multi-channel video installation (14 channels)
digitized 16mm film on DV, 2003

along with Ján Mančuška
DV, 29’46’‘, 2003
(sound; czech with english subtitles)

Technical compression
DV, 3’03’‘, 2002

DV, 2’06’‘, 2002

DV, 1’28’‘, 2002

DV, 6’46’‘, 2002

The short film
DV, 1’36’‘, 2002

filmové festivaly:

2023Cork Film Festival ( One Step Forward, Two Steps Back)
2023, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (The Commodity Catalogue – Award winner, the best Czech Experimental Documentary Film 2023)
2023, Marienbad Film Festival (The Signature of Certain Things, film retrospective)
, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (The Signature of Certain Things)
2021, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (Social Murder, In Praise of Dialectics)
2021, 13th Kamera Oko Ostrava (Work of Eye)
2020, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (Catastrophe – Award winner, the best Czech Experimental Documentary Film 2020)
2020/21, ARKIPEL – Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival #8 (Catastrophe)
2020, 18th Tabor, International Short Film Festival, Veliki Tabor, Croatia (Apparatus as a Goal of History)
2020, 66.International Short Film Festival Oberhausen (Apparatus as a Goal of History)
2019, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (Powerless Source of All Power)
2017, Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival BIEFF (To be framed)
2016, PAF—Festival of Film Animation and Contemporary Art  (To be framed)
2016, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (To be framed)
2014, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (Dead Reckoning)
2010, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (40 000 000)
2007, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (A Theory of Work)

samostatné výstavy:

2023 „New Social Contract“, installation (part of We Parapom!), Chemnitz
„Necrology #2: Cartography of the Invisible”, SJK, Bratislava
„Des fissures dans l’archive“, La Maison populaire, Montreuil, Paris
„Nekrologie“, TIC GuDP, Brno
2022 „The Signatures of Certain Things“, Gandy Gallery, Bratislava
2022 „Out of Control“, Studio Tomasseo, Trieste
2020 „Out of Control“, Gandy Gallery, Bratislava
2020 „One step forward, two steps back“, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Belleville, Paris
2020 „Things fall apart (Interim Report)“, Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Komunuma, Paris
2019 “The Beginning of Something Yet to Be Determined”, Hunt Kastner, Prague
2019 „Interim Report: Capitalism Restoration in Central Europe“, Salvator Rosa, Livorno
2018 „Peer-to-Peer Protocol“, Trapez, Budapest
2017 „Difficulties to Describe the Truth“, State of Concept, Atény
2017 „Geography of social unconsciousness„, D21, Lipsko
2015 „Socio-fiction“, ICA, Sofie
2015„Contingent propositions“, Půda, Jihlava
2015 „Contingent propositions“, Gandy, Bratislava
2014 „Dead Reckoning“, Jelení, Prague
2014„Diderot’s Dream“, Hunt Kastner, Prague
2014„Dead Reckoning“, CACS, Delme
2014 „-map-fie-word-end-„, artothek, Cologne
2014 „Alphabet (a-m)“ , BISTRO 8, Praha
2014 „Situace 51“, Pavilon, Praha
2014 „The Measures Taken“, Kunstraum, Munich
2013 „The Microscope and Telescope of Time“, Fotograf Gallery, Praha
2013 „Difficulties“ , DADS, Liberec
2013 „Preliminary Report“ Galerie Jocelyn Wolff, Paris
2013 „Experimental Labor“ m.odla, Praha
2012 “ Beze všech předpokladů“, Gandy gallery, Bratislava
2011 „The Nervous System“ spolu s Jiřím Kovandou, Milano Kunstverein, Milano
2011 „Co nevidím“, tranzit dielne, Bratislava
2009 „Cognitive maps“, Hunt Kastner Artworks, Praha
2008, Castillo/Corrales, Paris
2008 „What History do they represent?“ along with Vangelis Vlahos, Blow de la Barra, London
2008 „Instruments of uncertainty“, House of Art, Č.Budějovice
2007 „Glossary“, Secession Vitrine, Vienna
2007 „Vocabulary“, Old City Hall Gallery, Praha
2007 „Table, M.toT. Fragment #3″, Moravian Gallery, Brno
2004 ”zazděný vchod“, Moravian Gallery, Brno
2004  „theory/praxis/exposition“, DPzK, Brno
2002  „Warianta C“, with Erik Binder, Open gallery, Bratislava
2002 „Target Group“, performance with Tomas Svoboda, part of presentation of Umělec,
Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2001 „8“, Galerie Eskort, Brno
2001 „10“, Galerie Eingang, Ostrava
2001 „019“, Galerie Jeleni, Praha
2000 „Diorama“, BJ Case, Komunardu Street, Praha


2023, Actes de Langage, Simona Dvorák at Tadeo Kohan eds., Maison Populaire, Paris, FR
, in: Revolver Revue 129/2022, Interview, Petr Jindra, CZ
2022, in: Art and Climate Change, Eds: M and R. Fowkes, Thames&Hudson, EN
2022, in: Neúplný atlas regenerace, Eds: K.Hládeková, V. Pecka, Utopia Libri, CZ
2021, Laura Vallés Vílchez (Ed.), Mitos del Futuro Proximo / Myths o f the Near Future, Tenerife, SP/EN
, Maayan Sheleff and Sarah Spies (Eds.), (Un)Commoning Voices and (Non)Communal Bodies, ONCURATING.ORG, Reading/Zürich, EN
2020, “ Infrasonica Wave#1, May68: from Prague to Mexico City, Sol Henaro and Zbyněk Baladrán“ EN/ES:
2019, „An Ambiguous Utopia“ in The Kyiv International, ’68 Now, tranzit/Archive books, Berlin, EN
2018, „A multilog with Zbyněk Baladrán“, M.Vrba a A. Bartlová, Flash Art(cz&sk), No.4 /EN
2018, „Multilog se Zbyňkem Baladránem“, Martin Vrba a Anežka Bartlová, Flash Art(cz&sk), No.47 /CZ
2017, „Penal colonny“, Arkipel festival, ed. Manshur Zikri, Jakarta, INS/EN
2017, „Czechoslovakia/ A Critical Reader“, Gandy gallery, Bratislava, EN
2016, „Třídit slova, literatura a konceptuální tendence 1949-2013“, Buddeus, Magidová (EDS), tranzit, Praha, CZ
2015, „Subversive tactics“, curatorial project, namu, Praha, EN/CZ
2015, „Contingent propositions“, autor catalogue, Gandy gallery, Bratislava, EN/CZ
2014, „Protocollum 2014/15″, Dickerbach Kunstverlag, Berlin, EN
2014, „Dead Reckoning“, authors catalogue, CACS, Delme, EN/FR
2013, „Past Future/Minulá budoucnost“, Jan Zálešák, tranzit/VUT, Praha/Brno, EN/CZ
2013, „Preliminary Report“, Elena Sorokina, artagenda, EN  http://artagenda.com/reviews/zbynekbaladran%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9Cpreliminaryreport%E2%80%9D/
2013, „The Nervous System“, Z.Baladrán & J.Kovanda, tranzit / JRP / Kunstverein, Prague/Milano, EN
2012, „September 5th 2120“, Z. Baladrán & Vít Havránek, steirischer herbst/tranzit, Praha/Graz, EN
2012, „des formes de vie“, Les Laboratoires D´Aubervilliers, Paris, EN/FR
2012, „Subverting Disambiguities“, Shedhalle, Zurich, EN/DE
2011, „Terrible beauty is born“, catalogue of Lyon biennial. Lyon, EN/FR
2011, „What I don’t see“, tranzit workshops, Bratislava, EN/CZ
2010, „No Order, Art in a Post-Fordic society“,No 1, Milano, EN
2010, Atlas of Transformation, Prague, EN
2010, Emil Filla, archiv umělce, GASK, CZ
2010, trouble, paris, FR
2010, Sešity pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny, 6-7, magazine, interview, CZ
2010, Comrades of time, catalogue, Pavilion, Bucharest, EN
2009, Monument transformace interview, Profil 3-4 CZ/SK
2009, Atlas Transformace, Praha, CZ
2009, The End Magazine, spring summer, Milano, IT, EN
2009. Labyrint revue, 23-24, magazine, interview, text, documentation, CZ
2008. Stavba, 5/2008, magazine, interview, CZ
2008, Fusion/Confusion, catalogue, Museum Folkwang, Essen, DE
2007, Flash Art, Czechoslovakia, interview, CZ
2007, Table, Monument to transformation, Fragment #3, catalogue, Moravian Gallery Brno, CZ
2007, Prague Biennale, catalogue, Prague, CZ
2006, Archeology of today?, catalogue, D. Zefkili, KAG, Prishtina, Kosova
2006, Cinepur 44, interview, Martin Mareček, Praha, CZ
2005, Fotograf 6/05, Zbyněk Baladrán, Mariana Serrano, Praha, CZ
2005, The Need to Document, / Ruins, Archaeology and the Gap between Images, Muttenz, CH
2005, Contemporary, 71, Moving Images at the Edge of the Real, Katerina Gregos, GB
2004, Manifesta 5, …with all due intent, catalogue, M. Gioni, Barcelona, ES
2004, Daemon, Ritorno al futuro, A. Grulli, Bologna, IT
2004, Metropolis M, Interview, I. Commandeur, Utrecht, NL
2004, Umělec, 3, Theory, praxis, exposition, D. Kulhánek, Praha, CZ

výstavní architektura:

2024„Meeting Points: Documents in the Making, 1968-1982“, NGK, Pristina
„Ecolé de Paris“, Valdštejnská jízdárna, NGP, Praha
„Permanent exhibition, +-Zlín“, KGVU, Zlín
„Lucia Moholy: Exposures“, KH, Praha
„Meeting Points: Documents in the Making, 1968-1982“, MSU, Zagreb
„Reconstructed“, Michalská veža, MMB, Bratislava
„Když jednoho podzimního rána studující“, DpzK, Brno
„Trees Grow from the Sky“, Museum Kampa Praha
„Pět nejistých situací“, DuKZ GHMP, Praha
2022 „Věda fotogenická“, AVČR, Praha
2022 „Jiří Valoch: Ordinary words“, Gandy Gallery, Bratislava
2022 „Anna Daučíková, Not Belonging to and in Solidarity with“, Artium Museo, Vitoria-Gasteiz
2021 „Sudek a Slovensko, Fešandy zo šuplíkov“, GMB, Bratislava
2021 „Earthlings I: Tissues“, National Museum of  Agriculture, Praha
2021 „Ateliér Liška“, Muzeum Fotografie, Jindřichův Hradec
2021 „Fešandy ze šuplíků. Sudek, sochy, jižní Čechy“, Muzeum Fotografie, Jindřichův Hradec
2021 „Manuš means Human“, (as a member of Averklub collective) Kunsthalle Wienn, Vienna
2021 „Komunikazio-Inkomunikazio“, Tabakalera, Donostia/San Sebastian
2021 „Toyen – Dreaming rebel“, National gallery, Prague
2020 „Experiment“, tranzit.sk, Bratislava
2020 „Plzeňská madona“, ZČG, Plzeň
2020 „Snívaj!?“, GMB, Bratislava
2020 „Mezi-obrazy: Archiv kameramana Jaroslava Kučery“, Fotograf Gallery, Praha
2020 „Olga Karlíková 1923 – 2004 Naslouchání“, Museum Kampa, Praha
2020 „Sudek a sochy“, DF/GHMP, Praha
2020 „Oldřich Kulhánek, Malá anatomie zdrojů“, GAVU, Cheb
2020 „Dějiny umění ve smyčkách doby“, Karolinum, Praha
2019 „1989“, Trade Fair Palace, National Gallery, Praha
2019 „Třídní boj? Ve třech kapitolách“, display, Praha
2019 „Nomád vyráží do pouště“, display, Praha
2019 „Laterna magika – Dekonstrukce a aktualizace“, Meetfactory, Prague
2019 „Laterna magika – Dekonstrukce a aktualizace“, DUMB, Brno
2019 „Carnations and Velvet“, GHMP, Prague
2019 „Coubine“, Museum Boskovic, Boskovice
2019 „Kubišta-Filla“, ZČG, Plzeň
2019 „Z rodinného alba“, Letohrádek Hvězda, Praha
2019 „Cesta k vysoké hře“, Valdštejnská jízdárna, National Gallery, Praha
2019 „Z akademie do přírody“, SNG, Bratislava
2018 „Z akademie do přírody“, ZČG, Plzeň
2018 „Bonjour Monsieur Gauguin“, Palác Kinských, National Gallery, Praha
2018  “Circular Defense”, (along with Anna Daučíková), CarrerasMugica, Bilbao
2018 „Pocta suknu“, 8smička, Humpolec
2018 „Formule patosu“, ZČG, Plzeň
2018 „Josef Šíma“, Moravská Galerie, Brno
2018 „Aleš Najbrt“, Moravská Galerie, Brno
2018 „První republika“, Trade Fair Palace, National Gallery, Praha
2017„Arseny Avraamov“, Documenta XIV, Thessaloniki
2017 „Tenkrát v Evropě“, ZČG, Plzeň
2017 “Biafra of Spirit”, Trade Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2017 “Stopover – Ways of Temporary Exchange“, Q21 Museumsquartier, Vienna
2017 „Havel-Prigov“, Letohrádek Hvězda, Praha
2017 „Jaroslav Kučera“, DPzK, Brno
2017 „E. Krumbachová“, in collaboration, tranzitdisplay, Praha
2017 „Představivost a konceptuální umění“, tranzitdisplay, Praha
2017 „Jaroslav Paur“, Museum Kampa, Praha
2017 „Pivovarov“, Hunt Kastner, Praha
2016 „Zkušenost exilu“, Letohrádek Hvězda, Praha
2016 „Biafra ducha“, tranzit.sk, Bratislava
2016 „CJCH 2016“, National Gallery, Praha
2016 „Filonov“, Centre Pompidou, Paris
2016 „Feminist Takes“, tranzitdisplay, Praha
2016 „Ján Mančuška“, Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz
2016 „Ján Mančuška“, along with T.Svoboda, Moravská galerie, Brno
2016 „Donetsk Syndrome“, tranzitdisplay, Praha
2015 „Ján Mančuška“, KHB, Bratislava
2015 „Ján Mančuška“, along with T.Svoboda, GHMP, Praha
2015 „Prague Quadrennial“, along with T.Svoboda, Praha
2015 „Jan Svoboda“, Moravská galerie, Brno
2015 „Jiří Valoch: Merde“, tranzitdisplay, Praha
2015 „MA’AMINIM, věřící“, tranzitdisplay, Praha
2015 „Jaroslav Kučera“, BFI, London
2015 „Josef Lindauer“, ZČG, Plzeň
2015 „Subversive tactics“, Czech Centre, New York
2014 „Zbyněk Sekal“, ZČG, Plzeň
2014 „Josef Váchal“, ZČG, Plzeň
2014 „Josef Váchal“, Dům u kamenného zvonu, GHMP, Praha
2014 „Report on the Construction of the Spaceship Module“ New Museum, New York
2019 „Jan Křížek“, Valdštejnská jízdárna, National Gallery, Praha
2013 “Encyclopedia of Failure”, Jakarta Biennale, Jakarta
2013 „Jan Kotík“, Trade Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2013 „As the World Turns All Things Turn Away“, Hunt Kastner, Praha
2013 „Začátek století“, Dům umění, Ostrava
2013 „Palmy na Vltavě“, ZČG, Plzeň
2012 „Začátek století“, ZČG, Plzeň
2012 „Ostrovy odporu“, Trade Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2012 “Why would you live if you knew was going to happen tomorrow?”, Steirischer Herbst, Graz
2012 „Anatomie knihovny“, Letohrádek Hvězda, Praha
2012 „Tichá revoluce v ornamentu“, Moravská galerie, Brno
2011 „Konec Avantgardy“, Městská knihovna, GHMP, Praha
2011 „CJCH 2011“, DOX, Praha
2010 „Babi Badalov“, tranzitdisplay, Praha
2010 “M.T. part of “Watchmen, Liars, Dreamers (Erudition concrete 3)”, FRAC Le Plateau, Paris
2010 „Archiv E.Filly“, Gask, Kutná hora
2010 “Monument to Transformation”, Montehermoso, Vitoria
2010 “Monument to Transformation”, GMK, Zagreb
2010 „Karel Teige, Zbyněk Baladrán, Asymetrická harmonie“, ZČG, Plzeň
2009 „Karel Teige,Zbyněk Baladrán, Asymetrická harmonie“, Dům umění, Olomouc
2009 „Karel Teige,Zbyněk Baladrán, Asymetrická harmonie“, GHMP, Praha
2009 „Bytosti odnikud“, Moravská galerie, Brno
2009 „Listování“ Dům umění, Olomouc
2009 “Monument to Transformation”, ,CIV, Bucharest
2009 “Monument to Transformation”, Municipal library, GHMP, Prague
2008 „Sváry zření“, Dům umění, Ostrava
2008 „Multikino“, tranzitdisplay, Praha
2008 „Disobedience“, Riga
2008 „Disobedience“, Zagreb
2009 „Za patnáct“, Moravská galerie, Brno
2008 „Bytosti odnikud“, Městská knihovna, GHMP, Praha
2008 “fragment #7, Communism Never Happened / Vocabulary, tranzit, Bratislava
2007 “Permanent installation of Monument to Transformation“, tranzitdisplay, Prague
2006 „Křičte ústa“, Městská knihovna, GHMP, Praha
2005 „V okovech smíchu“, Dům u kamenného zvonu, GHMP, Praha
2004 „I am not against“, First retrospective of J.Kovanda, DPzK, Brno

kurátorská praxe:

2024, “A.Klyuykov: Lekce z realismu”, Display A.R.C.P., Praha
2023, “Zabydlená propast”, (spolu s V.Borozan), Display A.R.C.P., Praha
, „Muzeum prízrakou“, (spolu s A.Klyuykovem and L.Gažiovou), GMB, Bratislava
2021, „Muzeum přízraků“, (spolu s A.Klyuykovem and L.Gažiovou), Display A.R.C.P., Praha
2021, „Manuš means Human“, (as a member of Averklub collective) Kunsthalle Wienn, Vienna
2020-2022, společná kurátorská praxe, along with Zuzana Jakalová, Hana Janečková, Lukáš Likavčan, Display A.R.C.P., Prague
2016-2019, společná kurátorská praxe, along with Z. Jakalová, Display A.R.C.P., Prague
2017 “#LutherLenin”, dramaturgy along with Alexander Klose, Studio Hrdinů, Prague
2017 “Czechoslovakia / A Critical Reader”, Gandy gallery, Bratislava
2015 „Subversive tactics“, Czech Centre, New York
2015 „Kdo na moje místo?“, along With M.Pokorný, Plato, Ostrava
2013 “Encyclopedia of Failure”, along with V. Havránek, Jakarta Biennale, Jakarta
2012 „pokus, omyl, oprava“, city surfer, Praha
2012 “Why would you live if you knew was going to happen tomorrow?”, along with V. Havránek, Steirischer Herbst, Graz
2010 “Manifesta 8”, collective of tranzit.org, Murcia, Cartagena
2010 “M.T. part of “Watchmen, Liars, Dreamers (Erudition concrete 3)”, along with V. Havránek, FRAC Le Plateau, Paris
2010 “Monument to Transformation”,along with V. Havránek, Montehermoso, Vitoria
2010 “Monument to Transformation”,along with V. Havránek, GMK, Zagreb
2009 “Monument to Transformation”, along with V. Havránek, CIV, Bucharest
2009 “Monument to Transformation”, along with V. Havránek, Municipal library, GHMP, Prague
2008 “fragment #7, Communism Never Happened/Vocabulary, along with V. Havránek, tranzit workshops, Bratislava
2008 “Fragment #6, Labour Day”, Labor, Budapest
2007 “Fragment #5”,along with V. Havránek, Prague Biennale 3, Prague
2007 “Permanent installation of Monument to Transformation“, along with V. Havránek, tranzitdisplay, Prague
2007-2015, curatorial practice along with V. Havránek, tranzitdisplay, Prague
2001-2006, collective curatorial practice along with David Kulhánek, Ondřej Chrobák, Tomáš Svoboda, Display, Prague

společné výstavy:

2025 „(S)měna“, Pragovka Gallery, Praha
2024 „Garden of Earthly Delights“, Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik, Jakarta
„Projections, Chapter II: Speculating, Superpositions Three“, ICA, Sofia
„Cravos E Veludo“, MNAC, Lisboa
„Planet ID: vzpomínky na Zemi“, Galerie Roudnice, Roudnice
„Silent Games“, Zahorian & Van Espen, Bratislava
„Biennale Matter of Art“, National Gallery, Praha
„The Next Renaissance“, ZKM/Goethe-Institut, Paris
2023 „Myslet filmem“, GHMP, Dům U kamenného zvonu, Praha
2023 „Miroslav Petříček: Myšlení obrazem“, GHMP, Praha
„False Memories” Atrium, MG, Brno
2023 „Intervence #35: Odlesky hvězd na Zemi”, Planetarium, Ostrava
„Art Index pop up” Invalidovna, Praha
„Long-distance Friendships“, Survival Kit 14, Vidzeme Market, Riga
„Spring never comes again…”, Zachęta-National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
„Nulový bod”, Artrooms Moravany, Moravany
2022 „Screenopolis“, GmB, Blansko
2022 „Spectral Museum“, GMB, Bratislava
2022 „What a beautiful place we are in“, Museum Sztuki, Łódź
2022 „V kritickém bodě“, OFF/FORMAT, Brno
2021 „Československá astrofotografie“, Fotograf Gallery, Praha
2021 „Hej-hou“, České centrum, Vídeň
2021 „Not Art Today?“, GHMP, Praha
2021 „Temná noc duše“, OGV, Jihlava
2021 „Komunikazio-Inkomunikazio“, Tabakalera, Donostia/San Sebastian
2021 „Manuš means Human“, (as a member of Averklub collective) Kunsthalle Wienn, Vienna
2021 „When the Present is History“, MOMus, Thessaloniki
2021 „Comme un parfum d’aventure“, Museum of contemporary art of Lyon, Lyon
2020“Všechno je jinak“, Festival 4+4 dny v pohybu, Praha
2020“Nerovný terén“, Fotograf Festival X, DF GHMP, Praha
2020“3. Non-Museum for Contemporary Art“, Dresden
2020 “Work: Documentation of Imagination“, online project, Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź
2019 “Photobloc”, ICC, Krakow
2019 “The Power of The Powerless”, KHB, Bratislava
2019 “Hidden Curriculum”, tranzit.sk, Bratislava
2019 “Quodlibet”, Hunt Kastner, Prague
2019 „XV. La Bienal Internacional de Fotografía Fotonoviembre“, TEA, Tenerife
2019 “Sleeping with a Vengeance, Dreaming of a Life”, Württembergische Kunstverein, Stuttgart
2019 „70.001“, Jocelyn Wolff, KOMUNUMA, Paris
2019 “Icons and Mythologies: the Desire of Changes”, GAMU, Prague
2019 “Posledních 30 let emancipace”, GAVU, Prague
2019 “Art, Magic and Capitalism”, Carico Massimo, Livorno
2019 “When the Present is History”, Depo, Istanbul
2019 “Za pravdu …”, Betlemská kaple, Praha
2019 „Mercurial Boundaries: Imagining Future Memory“, MoNTUE, Taipei
2019 „(Un)Commoning Voices and (Un)Collective Bodies“, Greenham Common, Reading
2019 „Eyelids Mirrored Within“, Tenderpixel, London
2019 „Laterna magika – Dekonstrukce a aktualizace“, DUMB, Brno
2019 „Carnations and Velvet“, GHMP, Prague
2019 „Dočasné struktury 5/ Bezmocný zdroj veškeré moci“, PLATO, Ostrava
2018 „Posledná Československá výstava“, Nová synagóga, Žilina
2018 ”R_E_Volution 1918/2018″, Motorenhalle, Dresden
2018 „Wer War 1968?“, Nordico Stadtmuseum, Linz
2018 “Sleeping with a Vengeance, Dreaming of a Life”, IFP, Beijing
2018 „Face contra terre“, Le SHED, Notre-Dame de Bondeville
2018 „The Value of Freedom“, Belvedere 21, Vienna
2018 „Metaphorai“, Center for Contemporary Art, The Ancient Bath, Plovdiv
2018 „Sleeping with a Vengeance, Dreaming of a Life“, Lítost, Praha
2018 “A Display of Diversity in Public Space”, ICA, Sofia
2018 “Circular Defense”, (along with Anna Daučíková), CarrerasMugica, Bilbao
2018 “Space for Art”, Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA), Moscow
2018 „So Far, So Right: A Study of Reforms and Transitions Across Borders“, TCAC, Taipei
2017 “State (in) concepts“, Kadist, Paris
2017 “Biafra of Spirit”, National Gallery, Prague
2017 „OFF-Biennale Budapest, Gaudiopolis, Budapest
2017 “Stopover – Ways of Temporary Exchange“, Q21 Museumsquartier, Vienna
2017  “Extra-Citizen-A Prologue”, Extra City Kunsthal, Antwerp
2017 “It Won’t be Long Now, Comrades!”, Framer Framed, Amsterdam
2017 “Ztráta času”, Kurzor, Praha
2017 „The Garden sees“, Magaron, Athens
2017 “Don’t Worry Boy”, Forum Box, Helsinki
2017 „Czechoslovakia / A Critical Reader“, Gandy gallery, Bratislava
2017 „Strange Days“, Frac ile-de-france, Le plateau, Paris
2016 „Co má mít rámec a co už ho má“, Entrance Gallery, Praha
2016 „Biafra ducha“ tranzit.sk, Bratislava
2016 „Notes on a European Language“ State of Concept, Athens
2016 „Třetí mysl, Jiří Kovanda a (Ne)možnost spolupráce“, National Gallery, Praha
2016 „Independent Research of Subjectivity“ 4+4 days in motion festival, Praha
2016 ″Transaction“, Coderood & tranzitdisplay, Sonsbeek, Arnhem
2016 „Museum (Science)Fictions“, Centre Pompidou / Espace Prospectif, Paris
2016 „Tension Economy“, Parc Saint Léger – Centre dárt contemporain, Pougues-les-Eaux
2016 „A Hole in the Sea“, Wurttembergische Kunstverein, Stuttgart
2016 „The Promise of Total Automation“, Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier, Wien
2016 „Tesseract„, Galerie AMU, Praha
2015 „Ocean of Images“, MoMA, New York
2015 „Kyiv, Moscow and Beyond“, 20 years of Springerin, Akademie der bildenden Kuenste, Wien
2015 „Debt“, 4+4 dny v pohybu, Praha
2015 „The School of Kyiv, Klasse Karlsruhe“, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
2015 „Fear, Origin of the State“, Nová Synagóga, Kunsthalle, Žilina
2015 „Commemoration and memory“, Constitution Hill, Johannesburg
2015 „The School of Kyiv,The School of Image and Evidence“, Kyiv biennial
2015 „Orde baru“, Ok. video, National Gallery, Jakarta
2015 „Goodbye Language“, Atelier 35, Bucharest
2015 „The Eclipse pf an Innocent Eye“, Veletržní palác, National Gallery, Prague
2015 „Od podlahy„, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem
2015 „Harun Farocki/Zbyněk Baladrán“, Futura, Prague
2015 „Le fil et les traces“, film program, Jocelyn Wolff Gallery, Paris
2015 „Model of the World“, film program, Jocelyn Wolff Gallery, Paris
2014 „Selective memory: Artist in the archive“, Glucksman Gallery, University College Cork
2014 „Artonautics“, Gdańska Galeria Miejska 2, Gdansk
2014 „Coming to reality“, Futura, Prague
2014 „Svět práce (Live in your Head)“, TIC, Brno
2014 „Art Under a Dangerous Star“, tranzit.hu, Budapest
2014 „Rekurze“, Třeboň
2014 „About the Chair“ 9th international biennial of photography and visual arts, Liege
2014 „Report on the Construction of the Spaceship Module“ New Museum, New York
2013 „Still the same place“, Pavilion of Czechoslovakia, 55th Venice Biennale, Venice
2013 „Memories of the Future II.“ Dům umění, Brno
2013 „Film as Sculpture“ Wiels, Bruxelles
2013 „Fußnoten zum Aufbruch“ Motorenhalle, Dresden
2013 „Nouvelles impressions se Raymond Roussel“ Palais de Tokyo, Paris
2013 „As the World Turns All Things Turn Away„, Hunt Kastner Artworks, Praha
2012 „Film.Directed by artists“ Nitrianska Galeria, Nitra
2012 „Ďakujeme, že ste prijali našu účast“ Nova synagóga, Žilina
2012 „Uchronie“, Saline Royale, Les Salines des Arcs et Senan
2012 „The 7th Seoul International Media Art Biennale„, Seoul
2012 „Les Ateliers Biennale D’Art Contemporain de Rennes„, Rennes
2012 „The 2nd Ural Industrial Biennial“, Ekaterinburg
2012 „Conjuring for Beginners„ project arts centre, Dublin
2012 „Cartographies„ La Caixa, Barcelona
2012 „Economy Picasso„ Museu Picasso, Barcelona
2012 „Homo Mathematicus„ NTK, Praha
2012 „Aire de Lyon„ Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires
2012 „The Islands of Resistance„ National Gallery, Praha
2012 „Pokus-omyl-oprava„ City Surfer, Praha
2012 „How to look at everything„ The Common Guild, Glasgow
2012 „From the closed world to the infinite universe„ Le Quartier, Quimper
2012 „State of Affairs“, AMT Project, Bratislava
2011 „a terrible beauty is born“ 11th biennale de Lyon, Lyon
2011 „Unchronie“ Galerie u Bílého jednorožce, Klatovy
2011 „Sharjah biennial film program“ (WHW), Sharjah
2011 „Gallery by Night“ Studio Gallery, Budapest
2011 „Mutující médium“ Rudolfinum, Prague
2010 „No Ifs, no buts“ Depo, Istanbul
2010 „U dUbU tU bUdU„, Školská 28, Praha
2010 „Collected reflections„, Entrance, Praha
2010 „Raising Dust – Encounters in Relational Geography„, Calvert 22, London
2010 „Step by step„, Gandy Gallery, Bratislava
2010 „Überblendungen„, Shedhalle, Zurich
2010 „2010 „Velkoměstská periferie„, KGVU, Zlín
2010 „Why do we resist?, Pori Taidemuseo / Pori Art Museum, Pori
2010 „Watchmen, Liars, Dreamers (Erudition concrete 3)“, FRAC Ile-de-France Le Plateau, Paris
2010 „Epilogue 1“, Maisterravalbuena, Madrid
2010 „Akce Zet„, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem
2010 „Dust, ashes and residua“, Open Space, Wien
2010 „EGO“, Langhans Gallery, Prague
2010 „Formate der Transformation 89-09, Museum auf Abruf, Vienna
2010 “Comrades of time“, Pavilion Unicredit, Bucharest
2010 “Romantika mojej mladosti, buducnost mojej nostalgie, Stredoslovenska galeria, Banska Bystrica
2009 “Blind Spots”, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
2009 “7a bienal do mercosul, Mercosul
2009 “The Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, The Situation, Moscow
2009 “Bertha von Suttner Revisited”, Harmannsdorf
2009 “Any Instant Whatever”, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow
2009 “Expanded City”, 13th Media Art Biennale, Wroclaw
2009 “Farimani at Starr Space”, Starr Space, New York
2009 “Le Troisième Lieu / Der Dritte Ort / The Third Place”, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz
2009  “Blind Spots”, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
2008 “Atomized”, De Veemvloer, Amsterdam
2008 „Finalists of J. Chalupecký Award“, DU Brno
2008 Gyumri Biennial, Gyumri
2008 “Try again, fail again, fail better”, Műcsarnok, Budapest
2008 “Rendezvous nowhere “Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz
2008 “The Provocation of the Real”, National Center for the Arts, Mexico
2008 “Where the East ends”. Nassauischer Kunstverein, Wiesbaden
2008 „Triennial of young Artists“, City gallery Praha
2008 “Be a Happy Worker: Work-to-Rule”, G-MK, Zagreb
2008 “Another City” Zacheta, Warszawa
2008 “The Archive”, Prometeo gallery, Milano
2008 „Same Democracy“Neon>Campobase, Bologna
2008 „videoart.cz“, projectSPACE, Bratislava
2008, „Fusion Confusion„, Museum Folkwang, Essen
2007, „PASSAGES,PASSAGEN,PASAZE“,Gandy Gallery, Bratislava
2007, „October, Exit, Memory and Desire“, Artra gallery, Milano
2007, „Finalists of J. Chalupecký Award“, Roxy, Prague
2007, „Why do you Resist?“, Forum Stadtpark, Graz
2007, „Simple Living“, Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu
2007, „Stalking With Stories“, Apexart, New York
2007, „Sklerotische Nachtbar/i/n“, 2 Gallery, Schloss Wolkersdorf
2007, „invisible things“, trafo gallery, Budapest
2007,“Synonyma, MtT 1989-1968-2009″, Index, Stockholm
2007, „Prague biennale 3 – der prozess“, Praha
2007, „Punctum“, Futura, Praha
2006, „The Other City“, screening program, Trafo, Budapest
2006, „F/acts/igures“ exhibition artwalk, Amsterdam
2006, „Auditorium, Stage, Backstage“, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
2006, „Pozvao sam par prijatelja da bace pogled, nova gallery, Zagreb
2006, „Closely Observed Plans”, tranzit workshops, Bratislava
2006, „Zbynek Baladran – Carlos Casas – Alice Guareschi, neon>fdv, Milano
2006, „archeology of today?“, Kosova Art Gallery-Museum in Prishtina
2006, „Indikace“, Jungmannova 21, Praha
2006, „Donaumonarchie“, Billboard project, Bratislava
2006, „Věcné stavy“, Karlín Studios, Praha
2005, „Vangelis Vlahos project“, Els Hanappe Underground, Athens
2005, „1811197604122005“, Galeria Plan B, Cluj
2005, „Turbulence“ Museum Kampa, Praha
2005, „Finalists of J. Chalupecký Award“, City Gallery Prague
2005, „Prague Biennale 2 – definition of everyday“, Prague
2005, „Fifth Biennial of young Artists“, City gallery Praha
2005, „The Need to Document“, Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz
2005, „Insiders“, Futura, Praha
2004, „Insiders“, DpK, Brno, curated by P. Morganová
2004, „Finalists of J. Chalupecký Award“, Brno House of Art, Brno
2004, „Spacecamp“, Kolowratský palác, Praha
2004, „Prague and Dresden“,Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie,Regensburg
2004, „Manifesta 5“, Donostia-San Sebastián
2004, „Breakthrough“, Grote Kerk, Den Haag
2004, „Interkosmos 2004“, Raster, Warszawa
2003, „Kompression“, Wedding, Berlin
2003, „Paradies“, with Tomas Svoboda, Bunker, Alexanderplatz, Berlin
2003, „Survey 03“, Futura, Praha
2003, „Ceskoslovensko“, , Bratislava
2002, „Artchitektura“, GJF, Praha
2002, „Premiere vue“, Passage de Retz, Paris
2002, „Uhlopricka“, Galerie Eskort, Brno
2002, „Wechselstube“, der-ausstellungsraum, Stuttgart
2002, „Forum of Independent Galleries“, U Prstenu, City Gallery, Praha
2001, „Fotok“, MEO, Budapest
2001, „Prvni a posledni“, Galerie V. Spaly, Praha
2001, „Criss-Cross“, Broumov
2000, „Vystava AVU“, Manes, Praha
2000, „Kazda kapka…“, Galerie AVU, Praha
1999, „Vidiny“, Roxy, Galerie NOD, Praha
1999, „Rickyho gang“, klub Depo, Olomouc
1998, „Zelena“, Galerie AVU, Praha

granty a rezidenční pobyty, etc:

2023-2024, Stipendium Ministerstva kultury České republiky
, Artist in residence, Tabakalera, Donostia / San Sebastian
2019, Stipendium Ministerstva kultury České republiky
2018, Cena pro umělce nad 35 let – Cena od Anny Daučíkové
2014, Osobnost roku za nejvýznamnější umělecký počin roku 2014
2013, Audi Prize for New Positions, Cologne
2008, artist in residence, Zacheta, Warsaw
2007, artist in residence, PROGR, Bern
2006, artist in residence, MQ, Vienna
2004, developmental grant of tranzit


Muzeum Sztuki Łódź, Frac Ile-de-France Paris, Kontakt Erste foundation Vienna, GHMP Praha, GKK Klatovy, Collezzione La Gaia Busca, Frac Bretagne Rennes, Musée National dArt Moderne Paris, MAC Lyon, National Gallery Prague, smlouva GMU Hradec Králové, etc